Alshawabkeh Co-Authors Op-ed Urging Legislators to Increase SRP Funding
On March 14th, 2017, The Hill, an American political journalism newspaper and website published in Washington, D.C., posted the Op-ed, “Reagan’s Superfund research must get back to Bush II funding levels” written by Akram Alshawabkeh, PROTECT Co-Director, along with...
PROTECT Center Publishes on Community Engagement and Research Translation in Puerto Rico
A publication released in October 2016 describes collaboration within the PROTECT center between the fields of social science and environmental health. The piece specifically focuses on work completed in Puerto Rico’s northern karst region and is authored by PROTECT...
PROTECT Team Members Publish on Patterns of Temporal Scaling of Groundwater Level Fluctuation
A May publication authored by Data Management and Modeling Core researcher Xue Yu and multiple other PROTECT-associated researchers revealed interesting findings on the spatial patterns of fractal scaling. After analyzing mono- and multi-fractal scaling for...
Alshawabkeh Participates in Diversity Panel Discussion during NIEHS FEST
Prof. Akram Alshawabkeh– Principal Investigator and Co-Director of the PROTECT Center, the CRECE Center, and the ROUTES Scholars Program–took part in a panel at the NIEHS FEST, a conference held to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the National Institute of...
Group of Researchers Join Our Lab Fall 2016
We are pleased to welcome several new team members this fall: Vanessa Pereira, Amir Taqieddin, Kimberly Hetrick, and Wei Zhou. Read on to learn about each of these talented individuals.Vanessa PereiraDr. Vanessa Pereira is a researcher at the Laboratory of Membrane...
PROTECT Team Members Publish on Phenol, Paraben Relation to Hormonal Changes in Pregnant Women
A November publication released by Environmental Research and authored by Project 1 trainee Amira Aker and multiple researchers revealed interesting findings on the relation contaminants such as phenols and parabens have on hormone changes during pregnancy....