PROTECT Study Uses Computational Modeling of Bubbles to Improve Electrochemical Removal of Chemical Pollutants in Water
A recent Project 4 study reveals efficient ways of exploiting the generated hydrogen and oxygen bubbles by electrochemical methods to enhance the removal of contaminants from water. Access to clean water is a global challenge. One method for cleaning contaminated...
Trainee Spotlight – Yuwei Zhao
Yuwei Zhao is a senior PhD candidate in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northeastern University, where she works in Prof. Akram Alshawabkeh’s lab (Project 4). Since 2015, she has worked on the development of an in-situ groundwater remediation device, including...

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, euismod suscipit intellegam no sit. Eos cetero aliquando sententiae te. Malis affert ancillae ei sea, suas oporteat vel an, cibo meliore salutandi est cu. Hinc verterem pro ei, possim feugiat assueverit ius ex, ex pri dicat maluisset. Quo...
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, euismod suscipit intellegam no sit. Eos cetero aliquando sententiae te. Malis affert ancillae ei sea, suas oporteat vel an, cibo meliore salutandi est cu. Hinc verterem pro ei, possim feugiat assueverit ius ex, ex pri dicat maluisset. Quo...
Project 5 Trainee Shayan Hojabri Receives Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award
On Monday, April 27th PROTECT Project 5 Trainee Shayan Hojabri received the Northeastern University College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award for his tireless efforts as a Teaching Assistant for the Geotechnical Engineering Lab, to update materials,...